vendredi 8 juillet 2016

in Python I need some basic

name = " " Age = " " Gender = " " people = [] ages = [] while name != "": ### This is the Raw data input portion and the ablity to stop the program and exit name = input("Enter a name or type done:") if name == 'done' : break Age = input("How old are they?") Gender = input("What is their gender M/F?") ### This is where I use .append to create the entry of the list people.append(name) people.append(Age) ages.append(Age) people.append(Gender) print("list of People:", people) print(ages) when I get results the list comes out like this list of People: ['jim', '12', 'F', 'Ann', '12', 'F'] ['12', '12'] how can I remove the '' between each entry its making me have trouble useing the Mean function to pull a average from the ages list help !!!

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