I have two objects,'article' and 'mvt', the logic behind the module am trying to create is that an article is defined by a name and a price, but the quantity is calculated through a set of transactions or 'mouvements', each mouvement has a realtion of many2one with an article, a date and a qte, the last field can be either positive or negative (positive means we added new articles, negative the opposite), so here's the code i used to do this, i am kind of new to openErp.
class article(osv.osv):
_name = 'cm.article'
def _get_qte(self, cr, uid, ids, fld_name, arg, context=None):
result = {}
sum = 0
for id in mvtids:
if mvt_line.article.id == ids[0]:
sum = sum + mvt_line.qte
result[sum] = sum
return result
_columns = {
'name': fields.char(size=32, string='Nom', required=True),
'pu':fields.float(required="True",string='Prix Unitaire'),
'qte': fields.function(_get_qte,type='integer',obj="cm.article",method=True,string='Quantity'),
class mvt(osv.osv):
_name = 'cm.mvt'
_columns = {
'article' : fields.many2one('cm.article', 'name'),
'date' : fields.datetime(string="Date Mouvement"),
_defaults = {'date' : fields.date.context_today}
Thank you in advance.
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