mercredi 5 août 2015

vss sample hardware provider

I've been trying to follow the instructions to install the sample VSS hardware provider that comes with the Windows SDK. I have been able to compile the code successfully with VS2013 for 64bit platform. However when I try to install the provider i get the following error..

Unregistering the existing application.

  • Create the catalog object
  • Get the Applications collection
  • Populate...
  • Search for VssSampleProvider application.
  • Saving changes.


Creating a new COM+ application

  • Creating the catalog object
  • Get the Applications collection
  • Populate.
  • Add new application object
  • Set app name = VssSampleProvider>
  • Set app description = VSS HW Sample Provider
  • Set app access check = true- Set encrypted COM communication = true
  • Set secure references = true
  • Set impersonation = false
  • Save changes.
  • Create Windows service running as Local System
  • Add the DLL component


  • Error code: -2146368511 [0x80110401]
  • Exit code: 113
  • Description:
  • Source:
  • Help file:
  • Help context: 0

COM+ Errors detected: (1)

(COM+ ERROR 0) on c:\vsssampleprovider\VssSampleProvider.dll
ErrorCode: -2146368475 [0x80110425]
MajorRef: c:\vsssampleprovider\VssSampleProvider.dll

Looking up for COM error code -2146368475 [0x80110425] I could only find that DLL load failed.

Even Viewer logs show a warning saying ... Unable to load DLL c:\vsssampleprovider\VssSampleProvider.dll

Process Name: dllhost.exe Comsvcs.dll file version: ENU 2001.12.10530.16384

shp during component registration. Unable to validate DLL entry points.


Thanks in advance.

via Chebli Mohamed

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