samedi 25 avril 2015

ejs code to display a string variable sent by PostController.js in Sails

Attempting to display a string variable in postview.ejs sent by PostController.js in Sails

val is the string variable

[ ejs html javascript Sails express node.js ]


module.exports = {

post : function (req, res) {
     var val = req.param('valeur');
     console.log('val =', valeur); // controller test : no problem so far

postview.ejs (?)

  <h1>Post view</h1>

// until now everything is running smoothly  

  <script type=«text/javascript»>
    document.write ('your value :' + val)


ejs code not working : is javascript relevant here ?

What is the correct code in Sails to display val string in the return view ?

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