samedi 25 avril 2015

How to obtain innerHTML of an active li link?

I want to store the innerHTML of an active menu item to display it as a title for my page. The title HTML is {{pageTitle}}, in the "container" template.

here is my (cleaned) HTML

<template name="container">
   {{ > SideMenu}}

<template name="SideMenu">
    <ul id="menu-items" class="nav nav-stacked nav-pills">
        <li id="menu-item-simple" class="">
            <a href="#">
        <li id="menu-item-simple" class="">
            <a href="#">

I created an helper to return the string

    return Session.get("pageTitle");

And an event to set the string to its correct value when a menu item is clicked{
    "click #menu-items":function(e,t){
        var activeItem = $(this).find("")
        Session.set ("pageTitle",activeItem.children("a").innerHTML);
        console.log (activeItem.children("a").innerHTML);

The console returns "undefined". I don't get what I am doing wrong and since I'm just beginning, I also wanted to know if I'm going the right way.

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