samedi 25 avril 2015

Post and Get value by jquery ajax

How can I add my values owdid and visited id after clicking below link by ajax?

<a href="index.php" onclick="insertvisit(<?php echo $interestid;?>)">member1</a>

Below is my insertvisit function. I have defined owdid and interestid

function insertvisit(visitedid) {
       type: "POST",
       url: 'insertvisit.php',
       data:{'field1' : owdid, 'field2' : visitedid},
       success:function(html) {

and below is insertvisit.php

global $pdo;
$ownid = $_GET['field1'];
$interestid =$_GET['field2'];

$query = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE tablem SET field1= ? WHERE field2= ?");
$query -> bindValue(1, $ownid);
$query -> bindValue(2, $interestid);
$query -> execute();

Please help thanks.

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