samedi 25 avril 2015

Passing mouseover through element

I'm working on a regex-analyzer that has syntax highlighting as a feature.

My site uses an overlay of two contenteditable divs.

enter image description here

Because of the difficulty in getting the cursor position and maintaining that even as tags are added and subtracted, I decided the best route was to have two contenteditable divs, one on top of the other. The first (#rInput) is pretty plain. If not for some nuisance problems that made me switch from a textarea, it could be a textarea. The second (#rSyntax) gets its value from rInput and provides syntax highlighting. I make sure that both are always scrolled to the same position so that the overlay is perfect (However, I also use a transparent (rgba(...)) font on rSyntax, so that if a momentary sync-delay should occur, the text is still legible.)

In the lower portion snapshot above, the code of the contenteditable rSyntax is this:

<span class="cglayer">(test<span class="cglayer">(this)</span>string)</span>

While rInput, positioned exactly on top, contains only this


The problem with this method is that I want to offer some alt-tooltips (or a javascript version) when a user mouses over. When the user mouses over rInput, I would like to pass the mouseover event to elements of rSyntax.

I'd like mousing over (test ... string) to show "Capturing group 1", while mousing over (this) would show "Capturing group 2", or if it were (?:test), it would say "Non-capturing group".

The terminology is a little tough because searching for things like "above" and "below" pulls up a lot of results that have nothing to do with z-index.

I did find the css property pointer-events which sounded ideal for the briefest moment but doesn't allow you to filter pointer events (set rInput to receive clicks, scrolls, but pass mouseover through to rSyntax and its child-elements.

I found document.elementFromPoint which may offer a solution but I'm not really sure how. I thought I would try document.getElementById('rInput').getElementFromPoint(mouseX,mouseY), but this function is not available to child elements.

Theoretically, I could hide the rInput on mousemove, using a setTimeout to put it back quickly, and then a tooltip should appear when mousing over child elements of rSyntax, but that doesn't seem like the best solution because I don't want rSyntax to be clickable. Clicks should always go to rInput.

It's possible to disable the mouseover wizardry while rInput has the focus, but then tooltips from rSyntax won't work, and though I haven't tried this method, I'm not sure if passing a click event from rSyntax to rInput would position the cursor properly.

Is there a method to make this work?

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