mercredi 29 juin 2016

Hiding rows with class "hidden" after change the checkbox

I'm using jQuery datatables. I'd like to hide all rows with class="hidden".

This code:

var table = $('#table1').DataTable();

It's not working (rows are not hidden), and I see this text in console:

table.rows(...).hide is not a function

How can I use class="hidden" to hide all rows?

HTML code:

<tr class="">

<tr class="hidden">

<tr class="">

<tr class="hidden">
<input id="hideRows" name="hideRows" type="checkbox">

JS code:


    var table = $('#table1').DataTable();
    $.fn.dataTableExt.afnFiltering.push(function(oSettings, aData, iDataIndex) {
        if ($(oSettings.nTable).hasClass('hidden')) {
            return aData[16] == '' || $('#hideRows').is(':checked');
        } else return true;

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