mardi 28 juin 2016

Looking for a super explanation /tkinter direction (getting max recursion depth without super)

So I'm trying to use my "controller" to call my "view." But if I don't use super, I get an infinite recursion when buildTK tries to build iiBar. Using Super everything is fine. I'd just like to understand why that is.

import inputhandler as iH
import buildtk as tA
import scanhandler as aS

class ControlHandler:
    def __init__(self):
        #self.view = tA.buildTK() #does not work

        self.view = super(tA.buildTK) #works
        self.smodel = aS.aScan()
        self.imodel = iH.InputHandler() 

The buildTK class:

import tkinter as tt
import controlhandler as cH

class buildTK(tt.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master = None):
        self.frame = tt.Frame(master, bg="tan")

        self.ibar = iiBar(self.frame)

class iiBar:
    def __init__(self, master):
        print(repr(self)) #prints forever
        self.mbar = tt.Frame(master, relief = 'raised', bg="blue")
        self.mbar.grid(column=0, row=0) #Show File Bar

EDIT: those try methods have no effect when commented out, but the basic code is:

    def tryTool(self):
        # Create  tools menu
        self.toolsbutton = tt.Menubutton(self.mbar, text = 'Tools', )
        self.toolsbutton.grid(row=0, column=2)

        self.toolsmenu = tt.Menu(self.toolsbutton, tearoff=0)
        self.toolsbutton['menu'] = self.toolsmenu

        # Populate tools menu
        self.toolsmenu.add('command', label = 'tools', command = root.destroy)

And out of curiosity, is there a best-practice for going about what I'm trying to do? Eventually I'd like a "build handler" to instantiate the form (either tkinter, html, xml) - in which case the controller would instantiate the build handler which would determine what to build.

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