lundi 27 juin 2016

Launch IPython notebook with selected browser

I am trying to start IPython with a non default browser (in my case Firefox) and thought I could replicate the replicate the script given in this blog

I am on Windows 7

I put the following code in a file say ""

import subprocess"ipython notebook --no-browser", shell=True)[r'C:Program Files (x86)Mozilla FirefoxFirefox.exe', '-new-tab', ''])

However when I run it from the command line


It execute the first line but not the second one (both lines work fine individually)

My question (in a more general term) how can I launch a process and tell it not to highjack the console window?

I apologize in advance if I have overseen an obvious explanation but I looked both in the subprocess documentation and on this platform

----- UPDATE -----

I should have added that I tried to launch IPython with selected browser but could not figure out how to get it work

>ipython notebook --browser='C:Program Files (x86)Mozilla FirefoxFirefox.exe'
[NotebookApp] The IPython Notebook is running at:
**[NotebookApp] No web browser found: could not locate runnable browser.**

To be precise, the following command in a Windows command prompt window works as expected:

start firefox 


ipython notebook --browser=firefox 

does not work (same error as above).

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