mercredi 29 juin 2016

Python generate grid on tkinter canvas

I am basically trying to generate a grid of pixels on a tkinter canvas. I have the following information passed into the function, the starting cordinates which are 0, 0 (posX, posY), I also have the an array of tiles (2500 for this example), than I have the level size in the x direction which is how many tiles will go from left to right before a new line of them is created. What I want to accomplish is to loop through the array of tiles I have, placing them down every 16 pixels, until it hits the end of the levels x direction, where it will reset the x position to one and add 16 to the y position. I managed to somewhat accomplish this, however this is the out I am receiving from it: My code is the following: for i in range(0, len(level.levelTiles)): if (i == level.levelSizeX - 1): scene.create_rectangle(posX, posY, posX+16, posY+16, fill="red") posY+=16 elif (i % level.levelSizeX == 1 and i > level.levelSizeX): scene.create_rectangle(posX, posY, posX+16, posY+16, fill="red") posX = 0 posY += 16 else: if (48 < i < 52): print (i) print (i > 3) print (i%50) print ("___________________") scene.create_rectangle(posX, posY, posX+16, posY+16, fill="red") posX += 16 I'm stumped on a way to go about this without adding a bunch of more if statements for various problems to get those two rectangles in the right position, since what I have written so far doesn't appear to work until after the tile i > max tiles in x direction + 1.

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