lundi 27 juin 2016

How to make bullet hit target and display either target was hit or missed?

So for this project, I have to make a bullet hit a target. The bullet is shot using degrees to hit the target. I made the bullet be able to shoot as well as a target being randomly created. However, everytime I shoot the bullet, it simply just asks to enter another degree to shoot a bullet. I am not sure what im missing in order to make the bullet recognize the for loop and if statements near the end of the code. It seems it just ignores it. The bullet also just shoots past the target. I need to make it so it basically creates a right angle with bullet, degree, and target. I thought i did that but obviously something is missing. Also, the choice=simple.dialog has no effect either and idk why. Thanks for any help! from tkinter import* import time import math import random master = Tk() cw= 1000 ch=650 w = Canvas(master, width=cw, height=ch, bg="skyblue") w.pack() w.create_line(10, 635, 80, 610, fill="black", width= 15) w.create_oval(30, 630, 60, 650, fill="brown") target_x= 900 target_y= random.randrange(40, 610) choice = simpledialog.askstring w.create_oval(900, target_y, 900 -40, target_y -40, fill="pink") while(True): if choice == "n": break; w.create_oval(900, target_y, 900 -40, target_y -40, fill="pink") dMove= w.create_oval(81, 600, 80+10, 600+10, fill= "red") degree = simpledialog.askstring("Enter degree", "What is your guess", initialvalue="Enter a degree") degree= 90 - int(degree) for i in range(90): w.move(dMove, math.sin(math.radians(degree))*10, -math.cos(math.radians(degree))*10) time.sleep(0.06) w.update() b = 820 a = target_y c = b / math.cos(math.radians(degree)) c1 = math.sqrt(math.pow(b, 2) + math.pow(target_y+10, 2)) c2 = math.sqrt(math.pow(b, 2) + math.pow(target_y-10, 2)) w.update() if c < c2 and c > c1: print("You got it") break else: print("enter degree")

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