mardi 28 juin 2016

Is there a way to make this code less long but do the same thing?

sentence = input("What is your sentence?")
counta = sentence.count("a")
counte = sentence.count("e")
counti = sentence.count("i")
counto= sentence.count ("o")
countu= sentence.count ("u")
countA2 = sentence.count("A")
countE2 = sentence.count("E")
countI2 = sentence.count("I")
countO2 = sentence.count("O")
countU2 = sentence.count("U")
countI3 = sentence.count(" I ")
countspaces = sentence.count(" ")
a1 = sentence.count("!")
a2 = sentence.count(".")
a3 = sentence.count(">")
a4 = sentence.count("<")
a5 = sentence.count(":")
a6= sentence.count(";")
a7 = sentence.count("'")
a8 = sentence.count("@")
a9 = sentence.count("#")
a10 = sentence.count("~")
a11= sentence.count("{")
a12= sentence.count("}")
a13= sentence.count("[")
a14 = sentence.count("]")
a15 = sentence.count("-")
a16 = sentence.count("_")
a17 = sentence.count("+")
a18 = sentence.count("=")
a19 = sentence.count("£")
a20 = sentence.count("$")
a21= sentence.count("%")
a22 = sentence.count("^")
a23= sentence.count("&")
a24 = sentence.count("(")
a25= sentence.count(")")
count = (counta + counte + counti + counto + countu + countA2 + countE2 +     countI2 + countO2 + countU2 + countI3)
speci= a1+a2+a3+a4+a5+a6+a7+a8+a9+a10+a11+a12+a13+a14+a15+a16+a17+a18+a19+a20+a21+a22+a23+a24+a25+a26)
print("This has", speci, "special characters")
print("This has", countspaces, "Spaces")
print("This has", count, "vowels")

The above code as you can see is waaayyy too long. I dont know how to do the same thing (which is user inputs sentence and it counts vowels, spaces and special characters) but in less lines of code. If you know a better way. Please tell me. Because of course coding is all about the best code and this looks way to weird to be the best way. Thanks for your help

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