vendredi 10 juin 2016

Ajax.BeginForm cannot submit dropdown list selected value


<div id="_SearchTab">
    @using (Ajax.BeginForm("searchResult", "Maintenance", null, 
        new AjaxOptions {
            InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
            UpdateTargetId = "gridArea",
            HttpMethod = "Get",
            LoadingElementId = "loading"
        }, new { id = "searchByCriteria"}))
     @Html.LabelFor(model => model.UNIT_CD)
                @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.UNIT_CD, new SelectList(ViewBag.UnitList, "Value", "Text"), "-- Select a Unit --")
    </td> </tr>
        @Html.LabelFor(model => model.PROGRAM_CD)
            @Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.PROGRAM_CD)
        </td> </tr>

            <div id=" buttonHolder">
    <input id="Search" type="Submit" value="Search"/>
<div id="gridArea">
   display data here

searchResult action:

        public PartialViewResult searchResult(string unitCode, string programCode) // showed both null in debug mode
            // typical Linq stuff, if parameters are null, show all the data in the partial view, if at leastone of the parameters is not null, use it as search criteria

The problem is when I submit the form, searchResult action's both parameters show null. I have tried multiple approaches including these below:

<input id="Search" type="Submit" value="Search" 
onclick="javascript:$('searchByCriteria').submit()" />

And this: (with Javascript runtime error)

<input id="Search" type="Submit" value="Search" 
onclick ="@(Url.Action("searchResult", "Maintenance", new { unitCode = Model.UNIT_CD, programCode = Model.PROGRAM_CD})) "/>

And adding onsubmit=return searchForm() to the form parameters, and use Javascript to submit:

function searchForm() { 
            // Load SearchResult partialview in gridArea div
                '@(Url.Action("searchResult", "Maintenance", new { unitCode = Model.UNIT_CD, programCode = Model.PROGRAM_CD}))'
            return false;

And jQuery functions for either Search button's click event,

            function () {
                // clear the grid area
                // Load SearchResult partialview in gridArea div
                    '@(Url.Action("searchResult", "Maintenance", new { unitCode = Model.UNIT_CD, programCode = Model.PROGRAM_CD}))'

or the form's submit event

$("#searchByCriteria").submit(function (event) {
                '@(Url.Action("searchResult", "Maintenance", new { unitCode = Model.UNIT_CD, programCode = Model.PROGRAM_CD}))'

None of the above can pass parameters to the controller. Can anyone help me please?

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