I have a 100 or so Word Open XML (.xml, not .docx, saved as "Word XML Document")documents (components) stored on SharePoint.
I use AJAX to load these by selection, as xml, 1 to many into an array, in which I also manage the selection sequence.
Once the user has selected the "components" they can then insert them into Word, the insertion is done via an array traversal (there is probably a better way to do this - but for now it does work),
wordBuild does the loading
function writeDocSync(){
// run through nameXMLArray to find the right sequence
var x = 0;
var countXMLAdds = 0;
$('.progress-button').progressInitialize("Building Word");
// only run if we have data present
if(nameXMLArray.length > 0){
// increment through sequentially until we have all values
while (countXMLAdds <= checkedList.length){
// repeatedly traverse the array to get the next in sequence
while (x < nameXMLArray.length){
if (Number(nameXMLArray[x].position) === countXMLAdds && nameXMLArray[x].useStatus === true){
progHold = countXMLAdds;
wordBuild(nameXMLArray[x].xml, nameXMLArray[x].filename, countXMLAdds);
countXMLAdds ++;
document.getElementById("showCheck").className = "results";
writeSelections("<b>You just built your proposal using<br/>the following components:</b><br/>");
function wordBuild(xmlBody, nameDoc, progress){
var aryLN = checkedList.length;
var progPCT = (progress/aryLN)*100;
Word.run(function (context) {
var currentDoc = context.document;
var body = currentDoc.body;
body.insertOoxml(xmlBody, Word.InsertLocation.end);
body.insertBreak(Word.BreakType.page, Word.InsertLocation.end);
return context.sync().then(function () {
showNotification("Written " + nameDoc);
.catch(function (error) {
showNotification('Error: ' + nameDoc + ' :' + JSON.stringify(error));
if (error instanceof OfficeExtension.Error) {
showNotification('Debug info: ' + JSON.stringify(error.debugInfo));
All the documents will load singly, and all will load in batches of say 10 - 30 or more.
The problem comes when I load the entire set (I have a "check all" option).
Sometimes 50 will build before I get an exception, sometimes 60, rarely more than 60, but very occasionally I get a gap where the exception doesn't occur, then it continues later.
The exception (which is repeated for each file) is:
Debug info: {}
Error: componentABC.xml :{"name":"OfficeExtension.Error","code":"GeneralException","message":"An internal error has occurred.","traceMessages":[],"debugInfo":{},"stack":"GeneralException: An internal error has occurred.n at Anonymous function (https://customerportal.sharepoint.com/sites/components/Shared%20Documents/componentAssembler/Scripts/Office/1/word-win32-16.00.js:19:150094)n at yi (https://customerportal.sharepoint.com/sites/components/Shared%20Documents/componentAssembler/Scripts/Office/1/word-win32-16.00.js:19:163912)n at st (https://customerportal.sharepoint.com/sites/components/Shared%20Documents/componentAssembler/Scripts/Office/1/word-win32-16.00.js:19:163999)n at d (https://customerportal.sharepoint.com/sites/components/Shared%20Documents/componentAssembler/Scripts/Office/1/word-win32-16.00.js:19:163819)n at c (https://customerportal.sharepoint.com/sites/components/Shared%20Documents/componentAssembler/Scripts/Office/1/word-win32-16.00.js:19:162405)"}
Any help with what might cause this would be hugely appreciated.
Oh I should also say, the files where the exception is raised don't get inserted into Word. But in smaller batches - they work without issue.
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