dimanche 12 juin 2016

Preventing blank input not working

I'm trying to prevent blank input on an editable list item, I'm using the same code I use somewhere else but for some reason it is not working.

I have:

if(folderName == "" || folderName == " " || folderName.charAt(0) == " "){

It is removing the item if I do not type anything, though if I enter a blank space it doesn't call the remove.

Strange thing is I am using this exact same code in a different area and it's working fine.

Here is the full function:

$(document).on('focusout', '#folders li', function(){ //add class when lose focus/shorten name if too long
    var folderName = $(this).text();
    $('#folders li').removeAttr('contenteditable');
    $('#folders li').removeClass('active-tab');
    if(folderName.length > 15){
        $(this).attr('title', $(this).text());
        shortFolderName=folderName.substring(0,15) + '...';
    else if(folderName.length <= 15){
        $(this).attr('title', $(this).text());
    if(folderName == "" || folderName == " " || folderName.charAt(0) == " "){


<div id="tabs">
                <ul id="folders">
                    <li class="active-tab" >All Notes</li>
                    <li id="add" class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></li>

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