vendredi 24 juin 2016

Using GeoComplete Without Marker

I am using this plugin for autocomplete of location input field.

What I have done so far is-

		map			: "#product_location",
		mapOptions	:
			mapTypeId : 'roadmap',		//roadmap, satellite,hybrid, terrain,
			scrollwheel	: true,
			zoom: 10,
			center : new google.maps.LatLng(37.42152681633113, -119.27327880000001),
			draggable: true
		.bind("geocode:result", function(event, result)
		.bind("geocode:error", function(event, status)
		.bind("geocode:multiple", function(event, results)
	width: 100%; 
	height: 400px;
<input id="find_product_location" type="text" placeholder="Type Your Address"/>
<input id="find" type="button" value="find" />

<div id="product_location"></div>

<script src=";libraries=places"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

But the problem is, when a location is selected, there is a marker created and the marker is showed in the map.

My requirement is I don't want the marker here.

enter image description here

I just want to have other functionalities (auto zoom set, change location in map etc).

Can anyone please help?

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